Protecting and Promoting World
Changing Discoveries

The Office of Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer (IP Office) within Arrowhead Center protects, manages, and commercializes the creative products of New Mexico State University. Since our opening in 2005, we have aided the success of research from a wide range of NMSU departments and disciplines, from engineering and chemistry to agriculture and environmental science. Our focus is on use and impact: we help to shape how NMSU innovations are used and deployed in the wider community.

The IP Office is responsible for administering NMSU’s Intellectual Property Policies and for managing NMSU’s IP through activities such as legal protection and compliance with federal guidelines. We also provide support for NMSU community members with questions or concerns that arise around research contracts and relationships with external organizations.

Arrowhead Center’s professional staff members are a resource for faculty and research groups – both to answer questions and to explore ways to expand the reach and impact of research and innovations.

Invention Disclosure

When intellectual property is developed at NMSU, an Invention Disclosure must be submitted by the originator to the IP Office.

The form needs to be completed in its entirety, including sponsorship information, a description of the technology, and original signatures of all named inventors. All requested information is needed to review your invention and begin the patent process. To submit an Invention Disclosure, click on any of the highlighted links, or download the form located at the top of the navigation menu.

It Starts with an Idea…



NMSU researchers are inventors and innovators. To ensure the greatest range of opportunities for new technology, NMSU community members should be aware of the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer process.

Talk with Arrowhead Center as ideas are emerging.

Although submitting an Invention Disclosure is the first formal step required by NMSU, discussing new ideas with Arrowhead can help researchers explore possibilities for commercialization at early stages. The sooner Arrowhead Center knows about emerging research, the more assistance we can provide in exploring opportunities to move inventions from campus to

Submit an Invention Disclosure.

As soon as possible, and at least 60 days before any public disclosure of inventions, complete an Invention Disclosure, which provides basic information on the technical specifications of the invention, along with testing results, potential commercial applications, and financial sponsorship. You may submit an Invention Disclosure online at the link above or as a hardcopy to the Office of Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer, located in Academic Research A.

Arrowhead Meets with You

Members of the Arrowhead team will meet with you to learn more about your invention and gather additional information, such as drafts of scholarly articles, materials for conference presentations, or write-ups for potential investors. We will also answer any questions you have and provide information on the next step of the IP process: the Intellectual Property Advisory Committee.

Intellectual Property Advisory Committee

The IPAC is a group of researchers, administrators, and business specialists who decide whether NMSU will elect title to inventions developed on campus, based on the commercial potential of the technology. The Committee meets monthly – you can expect to attend a meeting within two months of submitting an Invention Disclosure.

Intellectual Property Advisory Committee

At the meeting, you will present a brief (approximately ten minute) overview of your work: a technical summary with an emphasis on potential commercial and market applications of the technology. You will be informed of the Committee’s decision within seven days of your presentation. If the Committee votes to elect title to the technology, we will proceed to Step 5 (Intellectual Property Protection). Otherwise, the Office of Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer will take steps to release the technology.

Intellectual Property Protection

Should NMSU, through Arrowhead Center, elect title to your technology, we will initiate the process of seeking legal protection. Working with you and our excellent patent counsel at Peacock Myers, P.C. (Albuquerque, NM), we will determine the best means of safeguarding your invention. Your input is essential at this stage– inventor collaboration ensures the best possible protection. Arrowhead will work with you and our attorneys to share information, address questions or concerns, and provide frequent updates.


It is the policy of New Mexico State University to fully respect all rights that exist in any material protected by the copyright laws of the United States while also encouraging usage of the material that furthers the research mission of the university. The details of this policy can be found at: This site provides guidance to creators (faculty, staff, and students) on the ownership of copyrighted material; however, this site is not comprehensive. For more information about copyrights, especially as they pertain to copyright usage, please visit the library page at:

Please note, this guide is defined as a basic informational resource for the NMSU community. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Instead, it provides a framework for understanding and working with legal issues, including lawfully using and sharing copyrighted works, as well as protecting one’s own creative rights.

The Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (IP Office) at Arrowhead Center maintains intellectual property (IP) protection for NMSU creators who develop materials eligible for copyright. A copyright is defined as the right of creators to control the use of their work for a limited period of time; this work must be an original work of creatorship which is fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Examples of copyrightable materials include:

  • Literary, musical, and dramatic works
  • Pantomimes and choreographic works
  • Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works
  • Sound recordings
  • Motion pictures and other AV works
  • Computer programs
  • Compilations of works and derivative works

The copyright protection process occurs in the following steps:

1. Evaluation and Protection

Once disclosed, the IP Office will evaluate whether use of resources beyond Limited Permitted Use is implied, and therefore whether the copyright is individual IP or university IP. Additionally, the IP Office will determine whether a registered or common law copyright is needed. The IP Office will maintain contact with the creator during the process.

2. Research and Disclosure

Research refers to the creative processes involved in a use of NMSU resources beyond Limited Permitted Use. In the event a creator has a realization of exceptional or commercializable material(s) that needs intellectual property protection, they should disclose it to the IP Office, as well as their respective Department Head or Manager.

3. Licensing and Commercialization

After the IP Office has secured a copyright, the IP Office will establish ownership or combined ownership. The copyright may be licensed out. If this occurs, the IP Office handles the distribution of earnings.